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Job search: new advertisement
Forum Regulations This Forum Regulations: both registered members and guests may place advertisements and post answers on the board.
Author of the topic may delete ANY post in his topic, - both his own and others'.
If you are interested in an advertisement, we advise you to contact the author by the contact data he left. You may of course post an answer in the topic, but not all authors check their topics regularly.

Convenient viewing of advertisements (search by classifiers, personal filters, several advertisements per page).

This bulletin board is for advertisements of job seekers.
If you are looking for employees (students, technicians, stuff scientists, etc.), please use the "Vacancies" bulletin board.

point the cursor on the name of the field to launch the prompt indicating max. size
* — obligatory fields

Topic Title*title should describe which particular job position you want to get; subtitle — at your discretion
NB! advertisements with inappropriate titles will be deleted!
Topic Description
About yourself
Titleit is better to give your real name — most people feel uncomfortable to address a person by a forum username in e-mails
First & Last names*
Degree (if there is)acad. degrees: M.Sc., B.Sc., Ph.D., M.D., etc.
Current location (country, city)

NB!* It is necessary to indicate some contact data!
E-mail(s) /  if 'antispam' is on, the e-mail address would be hidden from spamers; mail would be sent by a forum program so that the author of the mail would not see the address;
if there are several e-mails or telephones, separate them with commas
Web page
Preferable subject and area of the job
NB! please, select carefully, the same list is used in search settings. Several variants may be marked.
  Area of work*
  Geographic location*
select positions you are interested in





mark the desired area of work



mark the region where the institute/company may be located






max. size — 2000 characters or 40 lines;
you may format the text; if you are a registered user, you may insert your photo and attach your CV; photo and CV will remain on the server for a month, then they will be deleted automatically (you may reload them again)

the text of the advertisement should describe the preferable subject/area of the job and restrictions (if there are some) concerning preferable location of the job (would you need a hostel - for Russia), work schedule, salary, contract duration, etc.
you should write something about yourself (the more the better):
for experienced* work experience; known lab techniques; acad. degree (M.Sc., Ph.D., etc.); knowledge of languages; other scills and virtues (computer, art, musical, sport, etc.)
for beginners* education; specialization; major GPA; experience in the laboratory; known lab techniques; acad. degree (M.Sc., Ph.D., etc.); knowledge of languages; other scills and virtues (computer, art, musical, sport, etc.);
if you want to show list of your publications, please include it in your CV and attach to the advertisement
For how long the advertisement should be placed on the board?
max: 90 days
 daysmark the number of days, after which the advertisement should be automatically deleted (two days before deletion you would get an e-mail notification about it, so you would be able to prolong your advertisement in time)

 [Close all Tags*


Convertion of the selected text into cyrillic characters. Text within square brackets '[]' is not converted

Example: biologija -> биология [b] - bold

Example: [b]bold[/b] [i] - italic

Example: [i]italic[/i] [u] - underlined

Example: [u]underlined[/u] [sup] - superscript

Example: temperature is 37[sup]o[/sup]C [sub] - subscript

Example: H[sub]2[/sub]O - water [QUOTE] - is used to quote posts, the quote is inserted with a small indentation from the text border

Example: [QUOTE]quote[/QUOTE] [code] - formatting preservation
Is used to display the text as it is, without automatic line folding, without interpreting forum codes and smilies; the text is inserted with a small indentation from the text border

programme code
	1 line
	2 line
[/code] [list] - list:
possible options: 1, a, A, i, I
[list] unordered; 
[list=1] numerated; 
[list=A] alphabetically ordered A-Z

[*] first line;
[*] second line;
[/list] Tag [hr] - horizontal separation line

Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2 [url] - hyperlink

[url=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/]NCBI[/url] [email] - link to the e-mail address

Example: [email]masha@mail.ru[/email] Tag [img] - image
[img] - in the line;
[imgL] - align left; 
[imgR] - align right.

[img]http://molbiol.ru/izo/rl.gif[/img] [ru] - for russian members only

[ru]only members using russian interface would read this sentence[/ru] [en] - for english-speaking members only

[en]only members using english interface would read this sentence[/en] [self] - only you yourself and site administartion would see the text

[self]nobody but you would see this sentence[/self]
[left] - align left

Example: [left]left aligned text[/left] [center] - center

Example: [center]center aligned text[/center] [right] - align right

Example: [right]right aligned text[/right] [just] - align

Example: [just]aligned text[/just]

     post length / max. size in characters:  / 2000

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